Bellevue Healthcare Trust Factsheet September 2022
It’s October and we are officially bereft of transcendent adjectives that would adequately describe market dynamics and the parlous state of UK Plc. Indeed, the temptation to break with the norms of acceptable business language into a tirade of expletives is almost overwhelming.
One could resort to comedic parody, but we have to live here and live through all of this. Moreover, the very real misery coming down the line for the majority feels like no laughing matter. The last time we were here (2007), Tony Blair won a landslide victory to the pop synth beats of “things can only get better”.
Except they didn’t, not really. The can got kicked further down the road. As is so often the case, the political solutions on offer were hollow quick fixes. So here we are in late 2022 (or is it 1978 redux? Time will tell). The can is pretty bashed up now and the road is at an end, having taken us to some geopolitical cul-de-sac where it feels very cold indeed.
If we have anything positive to say, it is that our investments will succeed or fail far from these shores, demand for the products is not economically sensitive and our assets are not in sterling. Not so much positive then, as inured from the widespread negatives that swirl around us.
One could resort to comedic parody, but we have to live here and live through all of this. Moreover, the very real misery coming down the line for the majority feels like no laughing matter. The last time we were here (2007), Tony Blair won a landslide victory to the pop synth beats of “things can only get better”.
Except they didn’t, not really. The can got kicked further down the road. As is so often the case, the political solutions on offer were hollow quick fixes. So here we are in late 2022 (or is it 1978 redux? Time will tell). The can is pretty bashed up now and the road is at an end, having taken us to some geopolitical cul-de-sac where it feels very cold indeed.
If we have anything positive to say, it is that our investments will succeed or fail far from these shores, demand for the products is not economically sensitive and our assets are not in sterling. Not so much positive then, as inured from the widespread negatives that swirl around us.